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Jerome Kavanagh

Jerome Kavanagh

We like to welcome Jerome Kavanagh to the Haumanu Collective. Through the teachings of his Kuia and whanau he was first introduced to a koauau at 14 years old and developed his own unique playing style by spending time in the Ruahine ranges listening and mimicing native bird calls with his voice

haumanu-ki-kahungunu taonga pūoro wānanga

Haumanu Ki Kahungunu – Taonga Pūoro Wānanga

Registrations are now closed for this immersive Taonga Pūoro Wānanga at Pukemokimoki Marae, hosted in partnership with Ngāti Kahungunu. It’ll be a journey into the healing vibrations of taonga pūoro in this free three-day gathering filled with learning, storytelling, and connection.

Horomona Horo Awarded Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi Laureate

Horomona Horo Awarded Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi Laureate: A Celebration of Taonga Pūoro

Haumanu Collective is honored to celebrate Horomona Horo (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou, Taranaki) for receiving the Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi Laureate Award, a prestigious recognition of his immense contributions to taonga pūoro. This acknowledgment speaks not only to his artistry and dedication but also to the vitality of taonga pūoro in our cultural landscape.


The Sapling interview: Elizabeth Gray on the whakapapa of sound

A dream to hear the sound of taonga pūoro and te reo Māori normalised in households set Elizabeth Gray on a path to becoming a debut author. Elizabeth Gray (Ngāti Rēhia, Ngāti Uepōhatu, Tama Ūpoko ki te awa o Wanganui, Ngāti Tūwharetoa) is a taonga pūoro practitioner, director of the Haumanu Collective and author of the new te reo Māori picture book Hineraukatauri me Te Ara Pūoro.

Taonga Pūoro on the World Stage: Tamihana Katene and James Webster at the International Indigenous Music Summit

In June 2024, two dedicated practitioners of taonga pūoro, Tamihana Katene and James Webster, represented Aotearoa at the prestigious International Indigenous Music Summit held in Toronto. As ambassadors of Māori culture, they carried with them the sounds, stories, and spirit of taonga pūoro, sharing these with Indigenous artists and audiences from around the world.
