In this podcast episode of Oro RuaOro Rua Taonga Pūoro Podcast Horomona Horo speaks with practitioner and cultural consultant Kelly Kahukiwa and taonga puoro and about entering the world of music through jazz musician Stu Buchanan. Starting with the saxophone and then focusing on Taonga Puoro, Kelly shares insights into his mahi of building bridges of cultural understanding through his practise of Mā Oriori. He gives back to the Ngāhere with the Oro and the Whē of puoro and helps to obtain positive outcomes for Ngāi Māori.
About Kelly Kahukiwa
Kelly is one of Pouako mō Te Kaa (Te Kaa Trainer) based at Te Kaa who weaves his talent and experience as an artist, musician, intercultural practitioner and indigenous researcher to support Maurea to drive positive change for Māori.
Kelly is a former Manager of Te Taua Moana Marae, where he was in charge of tikanga (protocol), tangihanga, education and facilities for the NZ Navy and Defence Force. He has a Level 5 Whakairo (carving) qualification from Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and a Bachelor of Music (Jazz).
Having completed study of Full Stack Development coding, Kelly leads the development of Te Kaa’s online training options.
Kelly’s tribal affiliations are Ngāti Io, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngai Tūhoe and Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki.
Kelly Kahukiwa and taonga puoro
Kelly is passionate about music, including making and playing traditional Māori instruments; to bring about a state of mauri ora (optimal wellbeing).
Listen to Kelly and Horomona discussing Taonga Puoro
Recent works by Kelly Kahukiwa
Recent works include taonga puoro for the Matariki Lights at Stardome, which ran from 19-25 June. This combined moving pillars of light with waves of sound from taonga pūoro to celebrate the traditional phases of Matariki celebration.
The traditional taonga pūoro instruments used in the musical composition are played by Kelly Kahukiwa (Te Arawa, Tūhoe) and combined with vocals from Huia Hamon (Ngati Porou, Te Aitanga ā-Māhaki).