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Te Umukaha Day 1

Pūoro Wānanga day 1

Ra Tuatahi kei te taha o nga whanau kei Te Umukaha , mihi kau ana ki te whanau whanui o Katihuirapa ~ Arowhenua ~Waitaha ~ KaiTahu 💙🌀🦋🥰 beautiful first day for our Puoro Wananga . Massive thanks to our hearty sis Sofia Tuala and whanau for organising such a beautiful kaupapa for us all ✨💜🦋 Haumanu Collective🌀✨✨✨

Te poho o Nuku

Te poho o Nuku – 25 Mar 22

Hapū Wānanga and Haumanu collective present this event/class to all interested in knowing more about Hapūtanga & Rongoā on Friday 25 March from 1-3pm

Jerome Kavanagh

Jerome Kavanagh

We like to welcome Jerome Kavanagh to the Haumanu Collective. Through the teachings of his Kuia and whanau he was first introduced to a koauau at 14 years old and developed his own unique playing style by spending time in the Ruahine ranges listening and mimicing native bird calls with his voice

Awhina Tamarapa - Taonga Pūoro practitioner

Awhina Tamarapa

We’d like to welcome Awhina Tamarapa to the Haumanu Collective. Awhina is a Māori curator, researcher and writer. She is a Teaching Fellow and PhD student in the Museum and Heritage Studies programme at Victoria University of Wellington, Te Herenga Waka.

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Rehu: created by James Webster. Photo by Norman Heke.


Rehu are long flutes with a closed top and a transverse blowing hole, but with finger holes like the pōrutu. It’s name is an old one and suggests it was a prized embellisher of song. Rehu are similar to Pōrutu.
