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Libby Gray and Jo’el Komene on taonga puoro

For Jo’el Komene, his taonga puoro are a connection to the soul. A musician and carver with whakapapa to Nga Puhi, Tainui and Tapuika, he tells of his toi Māori journey; beginning with learning whakairo which fuelled a passion for Taonga Puoro, then furthering his practice with a masters in the kōauau. Now working in education and sharing his mātauranga, Jo’el is a key player in the revitalisation of te ao toi Māori.

Kelly Kahu Kiwa, Horomona Horo and fellow taonga puoro enthusiasts

Kelly Kahukiwa and Horomona Horo discuss taonga puoro

In this podcast episode of Oro Rua Horomona Horo speaks with practitioner and cultural consultant Kelly Kahukiwa nō Te Arawa Iwi about entering the world of music through jazz musician Stu Buchanan. Starting with the saxophone and then focusing on Taonga Puoro, Kelly shares insights into his mahi of building bridges of cultural understanding through his practise of Mā Oriori. He gives back to the Ngāhere with the Oro and the Whē of puoro and helps to obtain positive outcomes for Ngāi Māori.

Oro Rua Taonga Pūoro Podcast

Tāmihana Katene & Isaac Te Awa

Tāmihana has a kōrero with Isaac Te Awa – a curator of Mātauranga Māori at Te Papa Museum, who is early in his Taonga Puoro journey. They kōrero about Isaac’s introduction to the practise, initiatives he is involved in for invigorating the taonga puoro community in Wellington and how preserving the precious taonga at the museum influences his personal growth and approach to mahi toi.

Dr Aroha Yates-smith

Dr Aroha Yates-Smith

Aroha Yates-Smith, is a New Zealand performer and academic, who affiliates to Te Arawa, Tainui, Takitimu, Horouta, and Mataatua. She is known for her research into forgotten Māori female deities.

Oro Rua Taonga Pūoro Podcast

Oro Rua Taonga Pūoro Podcast

We are proud to announce the launch of our Oro Rua Haumanu Collective Taonga Pūoro podcast where we kōrero and wānanga about taonga puoro with some of the foremost practitioners in the crafting and performance of traditional Māori musical instruments.

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Win a Haumanu T-Shirt

To celebrate the launch of our Oro Rua Podcast we are giving away 2 Haumanu Collective t-shirts. Simply complete the form below to enter (T&Cs apply) See Terms and Conditions here.
