He Kete Pūoro Vol 1
He Kete Pūoro Volume 1 album is a groundbreaking and innovative concept in the modern music scene of Aotearoa.
He Kete Pūoro Volume 1 album is a groundbreaking and innovative concept in the modern music scene of Aotearoa.
ORO ATUA, the brainchild of Taonga Pūoro practitioner/composer Jerome Kavanagh Poutama, has released their latest album ‘Tangaroa a Roto’. The album is a powerful ode to Māori ancestral heritage and the natural environment, created using Taonga Pūoro, Waiata Pao, and field recordings of the Taiao.
In this episode, Libby and Thomas discuss the use of Taonga Puoro in the hauora space, as a tool for aiding mental health and addiction recovery. They also discuss some exciting plans for future projects, such as a Taonga Puoro orchestra.
Tāmihana is joined by multi-disciplinary artist, storyteller and tāonga pūoro practitioner, Te Kahureremoa Taumata, nō Ngāti Kahungunu me Ngāti Tuwharetoa. With a love for sound and strong a connection to te taiao, Te Kahureremoa chats about cultural influences, her passion for sharing mātauranga through kōrero pūrākau, and her own creative musical endeavours with Taonga Puoro.
James chats with writer Awhina Tamarapa about her mahi as a professional museum curator, and the intracacies of looking after precious Taonga Puoro collections.
Learn about the wonders of taonga pūoro with a stirring concert that brings the instruments to life.