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haumanu-ki-kahungunu taonga pūoro wānanga

Haumanu Ki Kahungunu – Taonga Pūoro Wānanga

Registrations are now closed for this immersive Taonga Pūoro Wānanga at Pukemokimoki Marae, hosted in partnership with Ngāti Kahungunu. It’ll be a journey into the healing vibrations of taonga pūoro in this free three-day gathering filled with learning, storytelling, and connection.

Māreikura Wānanga 2024

Māreikura Wānanga

Recently, the Haumanu Collective had the honor of hosting a truly special event: a wānanga dedicated to māreikura and the art and practice of taonga pūoro. This unique gathering brought together wāhine from across the Pūoro community to explore and express their voices through these instruments of ceremony and ritual.
