Haumanu Collective Presents
Taonga Pūoro Wānanga Māreikura
A taonga pūoro wānanga for māreikura: focusing on atua wāhine in taonga pūoro

- Come be in wānanga with Hine Raukatauri. Explore and express your unique wahine voice in a collective puna of Māreikura
- Learn pūrākau about atua wāhine pūoro
- Wānanga with expert Māreikura Pūoro on using taonga pūoro in daily life and ritual
- create your own taonga pūoro
Save the date: 17-19 May 2024
- When: 17-19 May 2024, Friday 6pm-Sunday 11am
- Where: Kirikiriroa Marae, 951 Wairere Drive, Hamilton East, Hamilton
- Ngā Pūkōrero: Mahina Kingi Kaui, Ariana Tikao, Libby Gray, Te Kahureremoa Taumata, Dr Ruby Solly, Dorothy Waetford, Hinemoa Jones